This week we covered chapter one, which rather than me synopsizing it for you, ill give you a brief description. Basically I'd call the chapter CHECK YOURSELF.
God is God, he is Holy, and all powerful, just and fair, everywhere and ALWAYS. Just because you are the biggest flame in your fire doesn't mean you hold a candle to GOD. Too many people forget this, they question God, they discount God, they lose trust in God or worst of all of these, they go on with their daily lives believing in God but giving him little thought and definitely not loving him with all their heart.
The stand out sentence for our Pastor that he based his study on this week was...
To just read the Bible, attend church, and avoid “big” sins— is this passionate, wholehearted love for God? —François Fénelon,The Seeking Heart
Honestly is it? To me its not, I'm the first one to tell people I was Baptised at 14 spent 10 years, believing in God, then I finally started living for God. This is so new for me, and I love every second of it. Life isn't about cars or jobs or success, but it also isn't about Christian music, church socials and feeding the homeless, as great as these things are, life is about GOD glorifying God and worshiping GOD.
The thing that struck me the most, as I was reading and even though we didn't cover it in the study was, when people, sometimes believers, myself included say things like : If there is a God where are their starving children in Africa**? When in reality God could ask us the same question. Why with all the undying LOVE God shows us and provides as ARE there starving children?
**This obviously isn't exclusive to Africa, y'all just know Kenya hold a place in my heart.
And while we are on the subject of Africa I leave you with a picture from Kenya in January.
*******Obviously anything said here, is not Doctrine, or even necessarily Biblical, it is MY interpretation, my thoughts*********
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