Monday, June 21, 2010

Through the eye of a fish.

What a busy busy weekend. Saturday I set out for some fathers day shopping with a friend, which ended in a long run around all of Orlando and a trip to the most tourist infested mall. However goals were accomplished and I had a lot of fun. I had recently acquired a couple new affect lenses for my camera, so as the day dwindled and typical Florida thunderstorms set in, I set out with my friend Crystal to play with the wide angles fish eye a bit. I am still VERY much amateur not only in pictures but especially in this lens so it was more for fun, and to get a pic of practice. Here are a couple I came out with.

The view from my car while driving to Crys'.
By far my fave of the day.
For some reason there is a random miniature statue of Liberty in Edgewater.
Cool pic though.
All afternoon we out ran the storm. If you look to the left you can see the torrential downpour in this one across Lake Ivanhoe.

This is about how people picture Florida.
If they only knew its not all palm trees and Sunshine.
Sunday was just as busy. Church in the morning, one of the best Sermon's Ive heard in a while. It was about the importance of a man in family, church, and education. It even included some Biblical examples of Bad fathers we can learn from. Followed by lunch with the parents. Then the daily deluge of rain struck again, quite literally. As I was at my apartment waiting out the storm, the building behind mine got struck by lightning. No terrible damage but definitely scary.
Nothing a little afternoon retail therapy couldn't handle though, If window shopping counts. :) At least I got to spend time with my friend Megan shes pretty awesome, and we made some amazing plans for the months to come.
Finally the day ended in the most perfect fashion. LIFEGROUP. I seriously adore these ladies, and any time of fellowship with them is so special. We got a bit to eat and one of the girls lead us in prayer, it was probably the point of my day that stuck out the most. The way this girl prays speaks so loudly to my heart, it always stays with me days after. She is so raw and honest in her conversation with her heavenly father, and it was so perfect for father's day, as he is the Greatest father to be honored. She probably don;t even know how much I listen to her pray, but I guess if she reads this she might now, ah well.
Hope your Father's Days were blessed, whether you spent time with your father, or just took a moment to thank your Eternal Father.

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