This is a tad behind but I literally am still moved just thinking about church last Sunday. So when I joined OBC last year people were still all a flutter about Hero Day which had happened two months before. I waited a long 10 months to experience what this was all about, and I must say it was totally worth it. I was moved to tears a couple of times. Basically the church spends the Sunday before Memorial day recognizing all forms of heroes, from local community heroes to politicians, and people in the Armed services as well as Law enforcement officials. They bring out all sorts of things for the kids to see, like SWAT vehicles and Firetrucks, and they start it all off by landing the Sheriff's Helicopter on the field. Here are a few shots from before Service.

Then during the service, heroes are brought up on stage and given awards, this year they recognized the man who found Nadia Bloom (a local autistic girl who got lost in the woods for 4 days), a politician, the Police Chief and Sheriff. However the most moving for me was the family of a police officer who was killed in the line of duty. A true testament to what Memorial Day is all about. Lastly the choir sings all the songs of every branch of the military as they proceeded into the church and gather on stage. hearing these songs sung by an amazing choir was honestly one of those life stood still kind of moments.

Hope your Memorial Day weekend was as good as mine!
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