I'm going to be 100% honest I just deleted an entire paragraph from this post because I was critiquing the book like it was a book club selection and not the second book, of the LORD'S WORD. Forgive me I lost my mind for a second. With sanity regained, Ill say that even though I thought the parts about the Slavery and Tabernacle were drawn out, maybe just maybe (obviously) I don't know squat and God knew I would need to be told things in a way to actually pay attention. The laws and covenant set out are essentially the RULES FOR LIFE, and who the heck do I think I am to think that every little detail wasn't vastly important. This just goes to show how much I need to learn, how far I have to come, and how supremely insignificant I am.
The thoughts that keep coming back to me now that Ive had a bit of time to mill over the Book, is just how much I can relate to Moses. WAIT A SECOND....Did that crazy girl just say that she, could relate to MOSES? The Man God chose to lead his people? Yes yes I did, I went there, but in all honesty I can relate to the insecurity he expressed over and over. When God chose him he spoke up right away and said, Why me, I'm no good at this pick someone else. Then over and over even after God had shown himself, and used him so powerfully in so many ways, he still expressed to God his lack of ability and his insecurity constantly questioning God, "but what if they don't believe me, what if they won't listen to me?"
God has proven himself to me more times than I will ever be able to count, even though never had to even once. Yet when I ma faced with something I immediately question him. Why he chose a certain path for me? Why this person or that is in or out of my life? Why I can;t have things my way? Why others were chosen before me? If even Moses, could have doubts and insecurities and he spoke to God directly, of course I am going to have doubts and insecurities too, but just like he did for Moses God will provide for me in my best interest always.
The Acacia Tree is mentions a lot in the third part of Exodus, well the wood namely, to be used in the Tabernacle and the Ark. When we were in Africa we saw Acacia trees. This is a picture I took on Safari. Its so huge to think a tree just like this, was used by Moses and the Israelites for such an awesome Honor.

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