Sunday, June 6, 2010

Genesis OR Who knew so much happened in the Beginning?

Like I said before I started a great many tasks come June 1st and one of the more significant ones was an undertaking to read the Bible from cover to cover in 90 days. This sounded a lot easier in theory, but it is quite a bit of reading each day. However in one chapter alone I feel so enlightened. There are few more humbling things than thinking you have a clue about the Bible and then really reading it.

If I had to some up Genesis in a phrase (for me at least) it would be; Who knew so much happened in the beginning?

I jumped right in with the creation of heaven and earth and a measly 2 chapters later I was done with just about all of what I THOUGHT "The beginning" was all about. That's when I knew I was in for a treat. 50 chapters later I discovered likely half of the stories I learned growing up in Sunday school (when we went) were from Genesis. Now I am a bit plagued as to what the other 60 books have in store for me because obviously I know little.

I had no idea. the flood, and the ark and Sodom and Gomorrah, and Joesph were all in the first book of the Bible. Yes I fully understand how dim this makes me look, but I am nothing if not transparent, and frankly I revel in my lack of knowledge for it only means I am in for a world of Wonder in the next 90 days.

I have to say the stories of Abram (Abraham) and Sarai (Sarah), as well as that of Joseph were two of the most eye opening to me.

The story of Abraham and Sarah is such a treat for me because I love the fact that your circumstances can literally be so barren and low one day and so great the next that the Lord feels the need to change your name, the one thing that identifies you, because you are in fact no longer you any more but an ENTIRELY different person.

Joesph in the same token experienced a great change, in actually many great changes in circumstance, literally from being sold into slavery in Egypt to being the second in command. However that is not what stands out about Joseph to me. Maybe it is out Life group's study of James that is triggering this, but I can;t help to think about the trials Joseph faced. The seemingly endless trials at that, yet through it all he gained patients and wisdom, the same wisdom he showed his brothers upon their reunion. I am amazed by this and just the sheer enormity of God's hand in our lives.

Overall I am just so blessed to know, that the God who created the Heavens and Earth, that Created man, that flood the Earth, that gave women children, that changed a man's name, that had his hand so firmly grasped on Josephs life, is the same God I get to worship every day and pray to every night. he is a mighty gracious God.

1 comment:

  1. It's so true! There is a ton that happens in Genesis, but I think you'll be shocked at the incredible...and sometimes strangely funny stories that are scattered throughout the other books of the Bible. I literally laugh out loud sometimes as I realize how God must have an amazing sense of humor; if He didn't, how would these stories make their way into the holy pages of Scripture. I love it! ~ Bethany
